Monday, 23 May 2011

Testing and Class Work (Argument)

At this age, technology is everywhere, in the HCT or any University. However, I feel examinations are a bad way of giving grades, but they also good in other ways.

Let me start firstly, with the support of testing as unfair at the HCT. The first major point I would like to discuss is that examinations cause nervousness and students get bad grades because they feel unwell. For example, sometimes students have accidents or they suffer from disease the same day of exam. A second point is that testing is not a fair way of giving grades because students should be graded on their classroom work like assignments. I can also argue that some exams are poorly written and are culturally biased against non-western students. For example some exams written by western teachers for a western audience are biased and non-westerners will score higher to this bias.

On the other hand, there are also arguments that support the statement. I believe the most important point is that an examination is fair. For instance, all students at HCT take the same test, and are assessed equally. A further point is that testing is a good way to determine what students have learned in the course because some teachers ignore some of chapters. This will encourage students to work hard because testing will give them good feedback on their understanding of the subject.

In conclusion, in my opinion HCT will be better if they mix between testing and class work in grading the students. However, the decision whether examinations are fair or unfair is for HCT and instructors to make. 

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